MCE MAX Analyser

The MCE MAX® electric motor and generator analyser provides dynamic and static testing for all types of motors and generators, including AC induction, synchronous, wound rotor and DC motors.

MCEMAX® motor circuit evaluation test equipment offers the most versatile approach to electric motor troubleshooting and trending on the market today.

Está equipado con una computadora portátil completamente funcional y cargado con MCEGold®, el estándar de oro en software de administración de motores.

With MCEGold®, the entire test history of your electric motor along with the latest IEEE and NEMA acceptance criteria are at your fingertips. Immediately after the test, red or yellow colour-coded alarms identify any test data outside the acceptance criteria.


PdMA has created the MCE MAX to combine both offline and online capabilities in one portable package, the most powerful electric motor test tool available.

Regardless of engine size, type or condition, the MCE MAX gives you the information you need to make critical decisions, increasing the reliability of your plant.


Engine Analyser

  • Portable, battery-powered
  • Offline and online testing
  • Variable test voltage, from 250 to 5000 V, allowing RTG, PI or step voltage testing
  • Simultaneous acquisition of six channels
  • Torque and efficiency analysis

Fault Zone Analysis

Engine Analysis with PdMA

Electric motors can be complex and difficult to diagnose and we understand that. That’s why PdMA ® Corporation uses the approach of Six Fault Zone to analyse electric motors.

Thel MCE MAX  provides comprehensive data for each specific fault zone  (power quality, power circuit, stator, rotor and air gap), giving you the knowledge to make key decisions regarding your electric motors.

Featured Case Study Example

What are the consequences of an overheated engine?

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