PdMA EYE Analyser

PdMA is further advancing the world of engine testing by announcing the launch of PdMAEYE permanent installation technology for engine testing, a 24-hour system that provides vital information while the engine is running. With PdMAEYE watching your engines 24 hours a day, you can focus your limited resources and attention on other priorities.

Powered by PdMA’s MCEGold software, you will be alerted to changes in the condition of your critical engine. Immediately following an event, you will be notified and prompted to log into the MCEGold analysis software to confirm the condition. Red or yellow colour-coded alarms identify any test data outside the acceptance criteria.


Because with PdMAEYE watching your engines 24 hours a day, you can focus your limited resources and attention on other priorities.


Operating Map

  • Permanent monitoring
  • Multiple test functions
  • Communication
  • Simultaneous acquisition
  • Simple configuration
  • Data check
  • Reset capability
  • Insurance

Fault Zone Analysis

Engine Analysis with PdMA

Electric motors can be complex and difficult to diagnose and we understand that. That is why PdMA® Corporation uses the Six Fault Zone approach to analyse electric motors.

The PdMA EYE provides comprehensive data for each specific fault zone (power quality, power circuit, stator, rotor and air gap), giving you the knowledge to make key decisions regarding your electric motors.

Featured case study example

What are the consequences of an overheated engine?

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